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Partnering for success, growth & collaboration


The University of Helsinki in Finland, offers a diverse range of postgraduate programmes to an international and domestic cohort of students. With a dedicated team of recruitment and marketing professionals, their mission is to expand their global footprint and attract the right applicants to their Masters programmes.

Challenges & Objectives

When they embarked on their partnership with FindAMasters, over eight years ago, their primary goal was clear: to enhance their digital presence and drive traffic to their programme pages. With an emphasis on digital marketing, their aim was to generate quality leads and increase awareness of their courses among prospective students.

Why FindAMasters?

Having been aware of FindAMasters since 2016, The University of Helsinki were drawn to the user-friendly platform, reasonable pricing, and track record of delivering results. Mats Engblom, a Marketing Specialist at the University of Helsinki explains “The segment that FindAMasters are offering (people interested in Master’s) is of good quality so it’s an easy choice to keep working with them. I like the extended “retargeting” with programmatic that they offer because we can remind and reach out to profile visitors we otherwise couldn’t reach. We get what we pay for and I don’t think anything is changing that. FindAMasters is a nice complement to our own search engine marketing and social media campaigns. ”

“Additionally, their personalised approach and commitment to customer service set them apart from competitors.”

Experience & Results

Over the course of an eight-year partnership, FindAMasters has consistently delivered tangible results for the University of Helsinki. “We have seen a steady increase in website traffic, with a notable impact on our programme pages. While quantifying the exact conversion rate may be challenging, the quality of leads generated through FindAMasters has led to a noticeable uplift in enquiries and applications.”

Unexpected Benefits

Beyond the expected outcomes, the partnership between FindAMasters & the University of Helsinki has produced some unexpected benefits. Mats explains “Not only have we experienced seamless interactions and flawless customer service, but we have also forged meaningful relationships with their team. The staff at FindAMasters are reliable, valuable and friendly.”

Future Plans

While The University of Helsinki are currently satisfied with their partnership, they remain open to exploring additional opportunities with FindAMasters in the future.


If you would like to work with FindAUniversity please get in touch by booking a meeting with us.